Posts Tagged ‘Rundown’

A Brief Rundown of Tips

How to Determine the Pregnancy Conception Date Usually, a woman is able to get pregnant for about five days of each month during the ovulation process. Conception is when the egg and the sperm cell meet in a woman during the ovulation process. If say, for instance, a woman has sex before ovulation, the day she ovulates is the one we term as the conception date. Ovulation is detectable from the body as there’s a change in the cervical secretions. Ladies can also detect when ovulation is about to occur by the changes in their body temperature. Conception in a lady who has a regular menstrual period can occur in about 11 to 21 days after the first day of her last period. Sometimes, it is hard for ladies to tell the conception date as they may not remember when ovulation last occurred. In that case, conception date will therefore …