Posts Tagged ‘Climbing’

3 Climbing Tips from Someone With Experience

How to Find the Best Climbing Guide for Climb Mt. Kilimanjaro Mt. Kilimanjaro is one of the world’s tallest and most famous mountains. The fame and popularity of Kilimanjaro as a tourist attraction is likely related to Ernest Hemingway using the famous mountain as the setting to one of his most famous stories, or it could simply be because it reaches the highest point on the continent of Africa. Regardless of the reason for its fame, thousands of tourists visit the famous mountain every year, some to see the iconic mountain and some to actually climb it. It is important to understand a little about Mt. Kilimanjaro before you board a plane intent on climbing it. You will also want to find the best Mt. Kilimanjaro climbing guide available. When you see Mt. Kilimanjaro on the border between Kenya and Tanzania, you are sure to find it a breathtaking sight. …