Posts Tagged ‘Careers’

Careers: 10 Mistakes that Most People Make

Nursing Test Requirements There are a few steps you need to take before you’re even allowed into a nursing school, and most programs require you to pass what is known as a TEAS test, which stands for Testing of Essential Academic Skills. This test is a multiple choice exam that asses your knowledge in the many fields of reading, mathematics, science, English and language comprehension. This is also the entrance exam for Prelicensure and Accelerated Prelicensure Bachelor of Science in nursing. Some schools may require that you take what is called a Health Education Systems exam, but it varies from state to state so you’ll need to check with your admissions office to see what all is required. Exams like the TEAS should be easy for future graduates to master as it covers all the content taught in high school grades 10-12, but you should still study. There are numerous …